There are so many smart people in such a small country.
Factoid: Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world. 24% of Israel's workforce holds university degrees.
There are so many smart people in such a small country.
In any comparison of the lives and accomplishments of a civilization - Israel is beyond simply "awesome". It is "astonishing".
The amount of Israeli flags one sees just on a typical day. It makes everyone proud and it creates a sense of unity.
The most wonderful thing about
My brother is studying in a Yeshivah in
Factoid: A Yeshiva is an academy for (boys/men) the advanced study of Jewish texts. A girls Yeshiva is most often referred to as a Seminary.
During Birkat Kohanim you can see the Kohanim put their "talleisim" over their heads every day of the year.
My aunt’s apple strudel.
Factoid: A strudel is pastry made from a thin sheet of dough rolled up with filling and baked.
My family, the kotel, and Kever Rachel.
Being in Jerusalem on Yom Yerushalayim in 1973. There were hundreds of people at the Kotel, davening,talking, singing and dancing.There were Rabbanim and Ministers from Israel speaking about Jerusalem. The Chayalim (soilders) were there and all my friends.
Factiod: Yom Yerushalayim started after the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six Day war in June of 1967. Yom Yerushalayim is the newest holiday to be put on the calender.
The State of Israel will never leave a soldier behind.
Israel's percentage of the total number of scientific articles published worldwide is almost 10 times higher than its percentage of the world's population.
In Israel you can go to a Kosher McDonald's.
Combat soldiers aren't embarrassed to phone their mothers and grandmothers.
It is the best place on earth to meet and fall in love with Jewish people from near and far.
The fresh sofganiot from the Marzipan bakery in Jerusalem - so many fillings choices, I had to try them all.
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